


Every broken heart carries a secret. A whisper of what might have been, a phantom touch of a love now gone. Within this anthology, peer into the shadows of grief, where ‘Tragic Hearts’ bleed their untold tales, where love’s loss echoes in the depths of despair. Tears stain the parchment, etching stories of dreams shattered. Prepare to journey through the desolate landscapes of the soul.

Get this AMAZING POETRY collection from Amazon via this link below 👇🏾TRAGIC HEARTS

©Prince Diaries



2023 has been a whirlwind, a year sculpted by its own hand, a year written in ink, blood, dust, and sweat. It has been a roller-coaster year for all and sundry, sometimes with showers of blessings that painted smiles on some faces and at times with springs of pain that left tears in the wake of others.

For some, it was the best year yet, a time of remarkable achievements and milestones, a testament to being God’s favourite. Their stories are jotted in bold, vibrant ink in their celebration of flourishing days under the sun.

However, for others, 23 has been a year tailored in blood, a testament to the battles fought and survived. These are the stories of valiant soldiers, of resilience in the face of unimaginable adversity. Their tales, though painful, are a beacon of hope, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always the prospect of dawn.

And then there are the stories written in dust and sweat, the chronicles of everyday struggles. These are the tales of those who toiled on the streets to make ends meet for their families to break bread and butter. Sometimes, only a smile would do when water was all they had.

’23 has been a paradoxical year, a tapestry woven with threads of joy and sorrow, triumph and defeat. It has been a year where some cried themselves to sleep while others slept with smiles on their faces. Frankly, it has been a year that has tested us, broken us, and ultimately, made us stronger.

As we stand at the precipice of 2024, the scars of ’23 decorating our skin like shining armour, we carry with us the lessons learned as we hope for a better tomorrow. We move forward, heads held high, eyes fixed on the horizon, knowing that the best is yet to come.

Prince Diaries




The day was flawless,
Even in it’s unsophistication,
It was just immaculately itself.

Despite what came forth,
From the scorching sun,
Or the crying rain,
The day still thawed away.

From the warm smiles,
That softened our looks,
To the tears,
That flawed willingly from our eyes,
Every day was still perfect in its own way.

And so were we,
Perfect in uncommon ways.

Prince Diaries




In the dead of the night,
I am asleep yet lost in thoughts,
My mind is like an active volcano,
A battlefield with a sea of questions.

Is beauty not meant to hurt?
It’s not a weapon, is it?
Then why does it wound this much?

I am forced to hypothesize
That somehow beauty detests me with passion,
The same passion that churns my insides with devotion.

Every time I try to get even a bit close to it,
It ends up rupturing me to the point of no return.
I am littered with scars from beauty,
Wounds left by the telltale beauties that might never heal.
Yet here I am running down that path with hopeful smiles.

Perhaps this is my time,
Perhaps it will end differently,
Perhaps the ache is worth the wait.

Prince Diaries



Suddenly you know it,
Clarity washes over you,
And there it is in all glory,
Or there is nothing.

You grow an understanding,
Not the kind that you’ve owned,
A different kind than you had,
Like it’s an end to a new beginning.

Then you know it,
The intent of your existence,
And then it all makes sense.

Prince Diaries



The world moves on, day by day,
But I’m stuck here in the past,
My heart heavy with sorrow and dismay,
Missing you, longing for your grasp.

The sun still shines,
Yet the world is littered with darkness,
Its an even darker place especially wthout you.

Everything feels so trite,
Without you by my side,
How I wish you were still here.

I wonder these streets of love, alone,
With memories of you at hand,
Your laughter echoring in my mind,
Feels like it’s been left behind.

I reminisce of our vows,
Those that spoke of forever,
Living our whole lives together,
Till we are old and grey.

You’re the only one,
Who got to live your life with me,
And I am left to live mine alone.

I fall in love with you more each passing day,
And I miss you more than words can convey.

Prince Diaries



Growing up,
We didn’t always have plenty,
Nonetheless, we never lacked!

Our apparel wasn’t the tardy designs,
Or that which every Tom and Jerry wore,
However, we were always immaculate.

We didn’t go to posh schools,
Or driven to and from them either,
Still, we got the finest education.

We didn’t have house parties,
Buffets, cuisines, or those fancy foods,
But nothing beats mother’s African delicacy.

We roamed barefoot,
Danced and played to exhaution,
Then swum in the rivers,
Tossing all vigilance to the wind.

And everything was perfect!

Those olden days of yore,
Were the days when we lived,
Ignorant of it at the time,
We couldn’t wait to grow up!

Prince Diaries



I know your heart is bits and blue,
From clumsy hands that once held you.

I understand that you feel like a plastic flower,
Tended in an unwatered golden vase.

Beyond doubt you judge of yourself as a diet soda,
Meticulously poured in a wine glass.

I am apologetic of your vile venture,
In regards to the matters of the heart.

I am no angel,
But I want to save you,
For you’re tailored for tenderness.

I have made my fair share of missteps,
So that I can be better for you and me.

My heart beats like church bells,
And I beseech you to lend ear to my calling.

Darling with me,
Taste of melancholy,
Will only be distant memories,
That rooms in the embers of your past.

I know beautiful moments like these,
Are prone to impregnate deceitful oaths,
Nonetheless I promise you good things,
And I want to be one of them.

Prince Diaries



I am mailing affection,
To those whose hearts swell,
With absolute fondness,
For they found their better halves.

I am mailing affection,
To those maimed by love,
Deserted by those lovers,
When they only sought passion.

I am mailing affection,
To those who have given up on love,
May love stroll back to you in blush,
That you will believe again in its jim-dandy.

I am mailing affection,
To those seeking romance,
May those with pristine intentions,
Traverse paths with your thirsty hearts.

I am mailing affection,
To those unlucky with love,
That they’ve tasted liaison,
One day your hearts will.

I am mailing affection,
To all and sundry,
You are made of love,
To live, and to love,
And repeat until it works out.

Happy Valentine’s❤️

Written with love,
Prince Diaries



Ooh, baby.

You’re my daily dose,
My love for you is like a rose.

My love for you blooms and grows with each passing day,
Your love is like a balm that takes my pain away.

Your eyes sparkle like the stars in the night,
Baby, you fill me with so much light.

Your smile is like the sun that warms my soul,
Your touch is like a gentle breeze that soothes my mind,
Your love is like a river that never runs dry

I love you, my favorite.

Written with love❤️
Prince Diaries